Vivian Campbell lotta contro un tumore

Brutta notizia in casa DEF LEPPARD, il chitarrista Vivian Campbell con un messaggio su Facebook ha annunciato di essere in terapia da circa due mesi per curare Linfoma di Hodgkin.

Brutta notizia in casa DEF LEPPARD, il chitarrista Vivian Campbell con un messaggio su Facebook ha annunciato di essere in terapia da circa due mesi per curare Linfoma di Hodgkin.

After several months of trying every inhaler known to man, my doctor finally had me X-rayed. A CAT scan revealed that enlarged lymph nodes were doing wrestling manoeuvres on my windpipe – hence the cough.
What was causing the enlarged lymph nodes, however, was yet to be determined, so I underwent a surgical biopsy on March 11, the first day of Leppard rehearsals for our Viva Las Vegas shows. Obviously, I didn’t make it to rehearsal that day, but it’s okay; I know the songs by now!
The reason I’m sharing this with you is because, despite cancer and chemo, me and my new aerodynamic hairstyle (read: no hair) are going on tour this summer. I don’t want anyone to be so shocked by my new look that they ask for a refund. Simple economics, really.
I look forward to a summer full of shows with both Def Leppard in June/July, and the debut of Last In Line this August.


On Key

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