Skid Row: nuovo vocalist al posto di Solinger

Johnny Solinger
Johnny Solinger, dopo aver sostituito lo storico cantante degli Skid Row, Sebastian Bach ha deciso di lasciare la band.

Johnny Solinger, dopo aver sostituito lo storico cantante degli Skid Row, Sebastian Bach ha deciso di lasciare la band.

(L’ex) cantante degli Skid Row ha dichiarato di voler lasciare i suoi compagni negli ultimi 15 anni per dedicarsi alla carriera solista, questo il suo annuncio:

I have decided to leave SKID ROW to pursue my solo career. The past 15 years has been a great experience and I have appreciated the opportunity to be the lead singer in one of the most prominent bands of the 1990s and share stages with the likes of AEROSMITH, BON JOVI and KISS, performing in front of millions throughout the world. I wish SKID ROW the best of luck in their future pursuits.

Al suo posto è stato reclutato Tony Harnell dei TNT annunciato dal chitarrista Dave “Snake” Sabo durante l’Eddie Trunk radio show:

[SKID ROW bassist Rachel Bolan and I] have known Tony for a really, really long time, and always have admired him as a singer and as a front guy. He’s a really good guy. I think we all found ourselves kind of in a crossroads, so to speak — at kind of like a… pretty much much serendipitous moment in our lives. And so the thought was in the back of our heads that, ‘You know what?! Maybe we should reach out to him.’

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