Jack Russell’s Great White (English)

jack russell

Hi Jack, how are you? …and how is your back going?

I’m fantastic. An my back is what it is, a crumbling tower, lol. As long as I have my voice, I’m blessed.

Congratulations for the new album, I like it very much. It’s a great start for the new year! Which are your projects and desires for year 2017?

My projects are just to tour as much as possible to promote the new album. It’s all I am focusing on right now.

How did your cooperation with Frontiers Records start?

That was negotiated by my Manager Eric Baker.

Have you planned to promote the album by a tour also in Europe? Is there any chance to see you live in Italy?

Yes. That is definitely a plan as we have a new European agent. I certainly hope we will play in Italy. It is one of the most beautiful places I have been to.

What’s the band like? I see some ol’friends like Tony Montana...

The band are quite frankly the best musicians I have ever had the privilege to share a stage with. It’s great to have Tony in the band, he is a fantastic player and a wonderful person.

jack russell's great white

Formerly the album had to be named “The Gauntlet“, then you choosed for “He Saw It Comin“, why did you change it?

The Guantlet was basically intended to be a jab at my former bandmates in response to their initial album title ‘Elation’. The reason I changed the tithe was because I decided that I didn’t want to sink to their level and the record has nothing to do with my former band members. ‘He Saw It Comin’ is about realizing the vision of my future when I was a child.

I really like the mix of different influences of your new album: funky in “She Moves Me“, sounds from Beatles, Queen and 50’s in “Godspeed” , can you tell us something about?

The songs are the product of my collaboration with my guitarist Robby Lochner as well as contributions by Tony. They are a reflection of our musical influences as well as our own ideas.

You also made the video of “Sign of The Times“. In your view was it more important to have a video running on MTV in the 80’s or today on YouTube?

It was probably more important in the 80’s because at the time videos were a new thing and fans were excited to see their favorite bands on TV up close and personal as compared to the view at concert performances only, if they were lucky enough to have the opportunity to attend one.

Isn’t it strange the rising of vinyl sales and the success of streaming services like Spotify?

It’s understandable the resurgence in Vinyl. It’s an incredible format, which is recording more pleasing to the human ear than CDs. The success of streaming services is not a surprise as the internet is such a integral part of everyday life at this time.

Changing the topic: how do you feel about the new president Trump? Do you think it’s a positive change or not?

Sorry I think it is best not to discuss politics as a public figure.

Ok. Thanks a lot for your availability, there’s a lot of italian fan that can’t wait to see you soon, if you want to tell them something…

Thank you for your support and loyalty throughout the years! I can’t wait to come back to Italy.

jack russell's great white he saw it comin


On Key

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