Fuori il tributo agli Hollywood Brats And The Boys!

Tribute To Hollywood Brats artwork
Dopo circa 20 anni di gestazione, esce finalmente il tributo agli Hollywood Brats and The Boys.

Si intitola “You Wanna Konw What It’s Like” il tributo agli Hollywood Brats And the Boys contenente 24 canzoni registrate appositamente per il questo progetto e con il ricavato delle vendite devoluto alla Croce Rossa Italiana: www.cri.it

Tra gli artisti mostri sacri della scena come Jeff Dahl, Gyp Casino & The Honest Brats, Trash Brats, ma anche diversi artisti italiani come The Alley ‘Gators (dell’ideatore Nick Barolo), Thee STP, Bastet, Lester Greenowski, Pouty Lips, ecc. di seguito la track list completa:

  1. Hollywood Brats and The BoysJeff Dahl – Chez Maximes
  2. The Turpentines – USI
  3. Beat Angels – Terminal love
  4. Sour Jazz – Zurich 17 (Be my baby)
  5. Gyp Casino & The Honest Brats – T.C.P.
  6. The Alley ‘Gators – I don’t care
  7. Hundred Million Martians – Soda pressing
  8. The Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs – Kamikaze
  9. Thee S.T.P. – Tumble with me
  10. The Dialtones – Not ready
  11. The Twinkles – First time
  12. The Bullys – No money
  13. The Golden Arms – Another school day
  14. The Highschool Hellcats – Classified Susie
  15. Bastet – Brickfield Nights
  16. Dimitri Monroe & The Complete Unknowns – Nightmare
  17. First State Thrill Killers – Schooldays
  18. Lester Greenowski – Scrubber
  19. Aerobitch – Neighbourhood brat
  20. Freddy Lynxx – Heroine
  21. The Renegades – Jimmy Brown
  22. Baby Strange – Living in the city
  23. Pouty Lips – Southern Belles
  24. Trash Brats – Sick on you



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