Elements Of Frictions: compilation con membri di Trixter, Heavens Edge e Danger Danger

Tra gli ospiti della compilation troviamo Paul Laine (ex-Danger Danger), Pete Loran (Trixter), Mark Evans (Heavens Edge), Stephan Kammerer (Frontline), Tommy La Verdi (21 Guns), Mats Levin (Swedish Erotica) e molti altri ancora.

Si chiama “Elements Of Frictions” la compilation prodotta dalla Lions Pride Music, etichetta formata da Carsten Nielsen che commenta così il progetto:

I’ve been a fan of this genre ever since the young age of 12, I grew up on Hardline, Bad English, Danger Danger, Harem Scarem, Unruly Child, House Of Lords and the list goes on. Through the years the idea of starting my own label dedicated to this gerne were always in the back of my head, and when the first opportunity presented itself to realize this dream and the release of Elements Of Frictions, then there were no second guessing or doubt, it was all in“.

Tra gli ospiti della compilation troviamo Paul Laine (ex-Danger Danger), Pete Loran (Trixter), Mark Evans (Heavens Edge), Stephan Kammerer (Frontline), Tommy La Verdi (21 Guns), Mats Levin (Swedish Erotica) e molti altri ancora, di seguitola track listening completa e il trailer:

01. When You Grow Up (Marcello/Vestry)
02. Little One (Area 51 – featuring Matti Alfonzetti, Sven Cirnski, Micke Hoglund, Jamie Borger and Pasi Oxman)
03. Love Don’t Live Here Anymore (Emma Varg)
04. Don’t Leave Me Lonely (Matti Alfonzetti)
05. Make You Mine (Larry Baud)
06. Don’t Walk Away (Oliver Fehr)
07. Without Your Love (Snakes In Paradise)
08. Only My Heart (Mats Leven)
09. To The Limit (Pete Loran with Steve Brown)
10. Another Me (Paul Laine)
11. Somebody Up There (Tommy La Verdi)
12. All About You (Stephan Kammerer)
13. Let Me Down Easy (Rich Cox)
14. Pieces Of The Action (Mark Evans with Reggie Wu)



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