Steel Panther: i dettagli del nuovo “All You Can Eat”

Uscirà il 1° aprile “All You Can Eat”, il nuovo album degli STEEL PANTHER anticipato dal singolo "Party Like Tomorrow Is The End of the world".

Uscirà il 1° aprile  “All You Can Eat”, il nuovo album degli STEEL PANTHER anticipato dal singolo “Party Like Tomorrow Is The End of the world”.
Di seguito la track list e il video:

01. Pussywhipped
02. Party Like Tomorrow Is The End Of The World
03. Gloryhole
04. Bukkake Tears
05. Gangbang At The Old Folks Home
06. Ten Strikes You’re Out
07. The Burden Of Being Wonderful
08. F@#king My Heart In The Ass
09. BVS
10. You’re Beautiful When You Don’t Talk
11. If I Was The King
12. She’s On The Rag


On Key

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